The VIC Roads Driving Test Check List

The Vic Roads Drive Test Checklist

The Vic Roads Drive Test is designed to assess the safe driving behaviours which would be expected of learner drivers. Simplified points to grasp to help you is below.

  • Have you driven at least 120 hours in a range of driving situations. e.g night time, rain etc
  •  Use the checklist to determine if you are ready to attempt the drive test. Also with CIA Driving School 0451 239 090 we will help you prior to your driving test.

Even for a well prepared learner driver to fail the drive test if they do not  demonstrate the required safe, legal driving behaviours during the driving test. Any illegal behaviours and unsafe driving errors and are treated seriously in the drive test.

Applicants who have passed the driving test {well done} would of have demonstrated that they can drive safely and legally when they were assessed in the test.

Illegal behaviours and unsafe driving errors are treated seriously in the drive test. Therefore it is possible for a well-prepared learner to fail the test if they are unable to demonstrate the required safe, legal driving behaviours during the test.

If you can tick all of the items in the following checklist, you are ready to attempt your drive test.

Please note: This checklist is a guide only.Likewise there is a full list in the Guide for Learners, which is part of the Learner Kit.

You are ready to attempt the driving test if:

  •  Have you done at least 120 hours of on-road supervised driving in different traffic and road conditions,  including experience in the wet, on high-speed roads and also at least 20 hours at night?
  • Likewise can you perform day-to-day driving tasks safely on different types of roads, which includes busy roads, multiple laned roads, roads with different speed limits, and in a range of different traffic conditions?
  • Furthermore can you can drive independently and make your own safe driving decisions, without the instructor or your supervising driver telling you what to do all the time?
* If you received your learners permit PRIOR to 1 November 2017, you are only required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of night time driving.cia driving lessons fast car

You  demonstrate consistently show safe driving behaviours while driving in different traffic conditions:

  • Observation – you are observing other road users and road conditions at all times, by using mirrors,  head checks. Likewise as well as looking ahead of your car and observing behind your car when demonstrating low speed manoeuvres.
  • Signal use – you communicate your intentions to other road users by using your signals correctly.
  • Speed choice – you always drive under the speed limit but not too slowly – therefore you choose a safe, efficient speed depending on traffic and road conditions.
  • Following a vehicle distance – you always leave a safe distance in front of your car.
  • Gap selection – you choose the first safe gap when moving into traffic.
  • Lateral position – Pick the safest lane to drive in, steer a smooth path, and always stay within your own lane.
  • Stop Position –  when at Stop signs, traffic signals, and pedestrian crossings, stop your car fully in the correct position.
  • control – Be in full control of the car at all times and can drive smoothly.

Can you perform the following actions safely and legally in all types of traffic conditions:

  • Driving along straight or roads with bends in them in different traffic conditions.
  • Right and left turns at different types of intersections.
  • Lane changes to the left and also the right.
  • Merging with other traffic.
  • Do a three point turn and reverse parallel parking.

Can you drive in different traffic and road conditions without committing any serious safety errors such as these below?

  • Causing other road users to avoid a collision by failing to signal, observe, or give way
  • Hitting the kerb when driving or mounting the Kerb when parking or leaving parking place.
  • Driving through a Stop sign or red traffic light
  • Causing a near miss with other cars or road users
  • Exceeding the speed limit at any time
  • Stopping the car in an unsafe position
  • Driving too slowly for the conditions
  • Failing to look or signal
  • Blocking a pedestrian crossing
  • Failing to come to a complete stop, in the correct position, at a Stop sign
  • A serious safety error could result in a instant termination of the  test and a fail being recorded